
Showing posts from December, 2016

NDM Stories Index

#1 New and digital media story - Telegraph - Samsung Note 7 explodes setting Jeep on fire: How to check your phone is safe? #2 New and digital media story - Al Jazeera - Has Ireland given illegal tax incentives to Apple? #3 New and digital media story - Telegraph - Half a billion Yahoo users' data stolen in 'state-sponsored' hack #4 New and digital media story - Telegraph - Half a billion Yahoo users' data stolen in 'state-sponsored' hack #5 New and digital media story - Economist - Emptying nest: Twitter #6 New and digital media story - BBC iPlayer users will have to use personal logins from early 2017 #7 New and digital media story - The idea of a 'post-truth society' is elitist and obnoxious #8 New and digital media story - British men describe how they 'trolled the world' with fake story claiming they accidentally caught boat to Syria #9 New and digital media story - Ad-blockers: are publishers tempted to feed the hand that bites the

Globalisation: taking it further..

1) Why was Google Glass controversial? Google Glass is controversial because it may lead to its users being less engaged in conversations which may cause a fall in social confidence. It also causes uncertainty in the way people who use it may not pay attention to you talking to them, leading to a loss of concentration around those who are around you- causing a sense of alienation between those who are not using the technology. It is also controversial because of the privacy issues that are concerned with Google Glass, the device has the ability to film what the user is looking at, and this is causing concern in the way it could mean that Google Glass users can go around filming people without their permission. Sound recording and face recognition capabilities could also mean that conversations can easily be recorded and people could be picked out from a crowd easily, enforcing a loss of security. 2) What are the positive elements to Globalisation that the article highlights? The a

NDM News: Globalisation

1) Is our news influenced by American cultural imperialism? Give some examples arguing for or against this perspective. We are influenced online, there is a lot of click-bait stuff online which would derive from the Americanisation of culture. The click bait is there to increase revenue and improve ratings. American news is commercial. In the UK, the story of Madeline MacCan was almost abused in order to create more stories which meant more views and increased revenue. Every week there would be a new suspect or a new 'lead' ,however it wouldn't actually lead to anything. Another example would be Princess Diana and how the Daily Express would have her on the front cover of at least 1 issue a week, which again proves that revenue and ratings are vital for a Newspaper organisation. 2) Has the increased globalisation of news improved the audience experience? How? Why? It can be argued that it has improved the audience experience as there is a lot more coverage on stories

Marxism & Pluralism Essay

The development of new/digital media means the audience is more powerful in terms of consumption and production. Discuss the arguments for and against this view. New and digital media has without a doubt transformed the general feelings, attitudes and beliefs on a subject within society which allowed audiences to exemplify a sense of power when consuming and producing media products and there is sufficient evidence that can dispute these developments. in this essay I will be assessing Marxist and Pluralist values and argue whether or not audiences are more influential in terms of the new/digital media’s involvement that has affected their consumption and production. A Marxist perspective would argue that the so-called information revolution has done little to benefit audiences or to subvert the established power structures in society. Far from being a great leveler (Krotoski) as many have claimed, it has merely helped to reinforce the status quo by promoting dominant ideologie